Cambodia Time This vocabulary lesson about Cambodia Time is going to cover days of the week, the months, and general terms to help one talk about time. [table] khmer,englee tngai, day aa-dtit/sa-bdaa, week kae, month chnam, year tngai-jan, monday tngai-aung-gia, tuesday tngai-bput, wednsday tngai-bpra-hoa, thursday tngai-sok, friday tngai-sau, saturday tngai-aa-dtit, sunday tngai-nih, today tngai naa, […]
Archive | March, 2014

Cambodian Flirting Worksheet
Cambodian Flirting First section is a simple quiz that has multiple choice, true and false and translation section. The second section is matching the Khmer words with their English equivalents. Cambodian Flirting Quiz Multiple Choice – Select the correct answer (answers provided at the end) 1) sa-art a) beautiful b) ugly c) crazy d) handsome […]

Cambodian Vowels – first seven
Cambodian Vowels Sra Khmer has twenty four simple Cambodian vowels which have unique sounds depending on the consonant that is used. A lot of Cambodian vowels have 2 sounds, one for AUgust consonants and also one for the shOW consonants. Some vowels only have one sound for both the AUgust and shOW consonants. The vowels […]

Khmer Consonants (first ten)
Khmer Consonants Here are the first ten Khmer consonants. Some are from the AU group and show from the shOW group. You need to hear the word to really understand the pronunciation. But for now this is better then nothing. Hopefully I will have time and can add audio files for each of the letters that are […]

Cambodian Writing System
Cambodian Writing System Intro to Khmer reading and writing The Cambodian writing system looks way different then English, Spanish, French or any romanticized language. The good thing is Khmer is phonetic and thus easy to learn how to pronounce and spell the words easily. There are few exceptions to Khmer grammar rules and not like […]

Khmer Colors Worksheet
Khmer Color worksheets In progress: Khmer Color Wordsearch… Answers after clicking next page <!–-nextpage–->

Khmer Animals Vocab 7
Khmer Animals First word is not going to be any Khmer animals. To begin we are going to learn a slang cuss word for dogs butt. After that it will just be a bunch of Khmer animals with their Cambodian translation next to it. Enjoy! Ta [table] Sat (Khmer), Animals (Englee) Kiki Lu Lu, Dogs […]

The Khmer You
Intro to Khmer You In the Cambodian language there are different ways to say the word, you. The nondescript generic version is nek, but many other Khmer you words can used more accurately and more precisely. Khmer You Vocab Words [table] khmer you word, english translation, definition Nek, generic you, generally only used when speaking […]

Khmer classifiers
Khmer Classifiers Brief introduction to Cambodian Classifiers Specific words that are used to identify nouns are called classifiers. The Khmer language commonly uses classifiers for some words, but sometimes they are not used at the speakers discretionary. Confusing I know! English does have it’s set of classifiers like glasses of beer, pairs of shoes, and […]

To Know and How to use the Cambodian word howie
2 Cambodian word s To Know: The first word Cambodian word we are going to learn is the three different ways to say to know. The first one is jeh or Ja. This means to know how to do something. The next word is dung, which is to know knowledge about something. For example […]
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